Frequently Asked Questions

Why should we choose Aspire360?
Great question! Aspire360 expertly blends digital skills development with LMS functionality, providing organisations with a complete digital learning system. It also allows you to create digital learning content relevant to your internal systems and deploy them seamlessly as part of ongoing development or onboarding.
How will we be able to monitor staff development/progress?
The Aspire360 dashboard provides administrators with a host of real time learning insights. It is designed to ensure learning and development functions are informed and empowered, able to deploy new content aligned to learner needs and requirements. Customisable reports provide flexibility and information specific to individuals or teams.
How does Aspire360 compare with others in terms of price?
Aspire360 is extremely cost effective and allows you to scale learning at a fantastic price. As our system combines digital learning with an integrated learning management system it offers huge value in comparison to other providers.
Will we have access to all learning content?
Absolutely! All users enrolled on to the platform will have access to all our courses and learning pathways. We have over 40 courses (and counting) with all content created by our expert certified trainers.
How up to date is your content?
We review our learning content constantly as digital solutions are forever evolving. We also include new updates and learning content as part of your existing subscription.
What if we already have a Learning Management System (LMS)?
No problem — you can use the LMS functionality as much or as little as you wish. It can structure the delivery of learning content to your staff or provide you with learning insights.
We've already had digital skills training — why do we need it?
Excellent! Think of Aspire360 as the next step in offering your staff progression on to more advanced courses and also supporting those looking to consolidate knowledge.
Isn't in person training more effective?
Sure, for some it definitely is. We advocate a mixed model for all learning. Aspire360 offers flexibility for independent learning whilst supporting others to consolidate knowledge after in person training.
Is it SCORM Compliant?
Of course — Aspire360 is fully SCORM compliant.
What support is available to get the most from the system?
We will walk you through the entire setup, from onboarding users to learning deployment. You can also contact us via email and chat or browse the knowledge base and help centre.

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